Saturday, March 9, 2013

Secrets to Happiness

  Recently, I've been researching the scientific studies of happiness. These things show that love, marriage, occupied time, pets, and MONEY bring joy. Of course, two must be mixed in the digits for proper, well crafted happiness. As a blogger for PEOPLE CRAFTS, I would gladly explain the psychology of happiness-in my point of view, to craft a better PEOPLE.

  So... I've already explained to you the the required base of happiness. Here's how I see it. If you love your family and have plenty to support them with... Well... and they lived happily ever after... You see, those who suffer depression or depressing thoughts, the lack or impossibilities  of these two makes the human brains surface begin to deter. Quickly freezing the process of your possibilities, causing us to feel lost and alone. Those in religion claim it is the only curse that man was given-knowledge. I mentioned that in one of my recent poems of curiosity, well, let's simply say that, though life is built on such a thing, try your hardest to believe the happier thoughts in life.

Therapy and drunken rants are not the answer to happiness. I find happiness by pride, self-overconfidence, and unruly misbehavior. Luckily, I was not one borne without restraints, and a very small quantity of the universe knows this side of me exists, but even with the sun, you see dark patches formed from overheated substances. As humans, EVERYONE grows to become overheated in certain spots.
  Find a way to feel your inner animal, but keep it caged within you, free to escape, but domesticated to form other, better ideas. I find happiness in daily hobbies like crafting, BLOGGING, reading, WRITING, drawing and lazing. a great way to take the huff from your shoulders is by DOING. Lazing only comes when no other tasks are discovered, creating true relief from the days daily bargain.

BLOGGER HAS BEEN BROUGHT AGAINST CHARGES AND  NO MORE OF HER WORKS IS TO BE PUBLICLY DISPLAYED. J.K This subject is to be later discussed by me. I just wanted to use CAPS. HEHEHE. This is what builds my fundamental joy!

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