Sunday, March 10, 2013

Continuum of Happiness

   Thought of this- Over the break, I felt the necessity of blogging. It's to my greatest dissapointment that no comments have been posted. Oh, if only! Anyway, ventuing thoughout life, I've discovered another part of happiness. T.V. Really. The way the movies mentally enhance your personal images of life are great. Many can say that Earth unravels from the very roots of imagination. T.V broadcasts the images, and teaches you and, for some of you, your children their personalities. Though different people take different interpretations of T.V, without, you can notice from old people, that their personalities are all perfectly the same, from physically learning from one another. It's true. Screens are the newest shining light. They illuminate our paths.
    For some, being slumped against a food stained, on sale, delux mini beanbag chair leaking beans, watching the latest American Idol is a therapy necessary situation, they have know understanding of the Carie proven fact that it brings a large quantity of hope and union in most minds.
     Here  are a list of shows for those reading
  • Once Upon a Time (Title self explanitory) On at 7:00 p.m, channel 13.1, lasting 'til 8.00 p.m, Sundays. Can be watched on online, Drama, Fictional. ****-star rating by ME.
  • The Big Bang Theory ( Nerd Comedy) On at 6:30, to 7.00 p.m, can be watched on online, Non-Fiction, ***** star rating by ME. Weekdays. Channel 26.1
  • Justice Leagu Unlimited (Super Hero Animation) On 9:00, to 9:30, Saturdays, can be watched on, fictional.****- star rating by ME. Channel 39.1
The list will be continued on a new post soon. HAPPY watching!

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